Saturday, October 23, 2010

20th Anniversary at Abend Gallery in Denver, CO

                    Still Life with Crystal & Peonies 
                       oil on panel  15 x 17 (image)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some Recent Work - Still Life with Tea

Still Life with Tea
12 x 12

Silver Rimmed Bowl

Silver Rimmed Bowl
16 x 20 oil on panel
Available at Abend
Detail Silver Rimmed Bowl

Beets - Locally Grown
10 x 20 oil on panel
Available at Abend

Munsell Exercises

In between living & painting, I've finally completed some of the Munsell Exercises as recommended by Graydon Parrish at Rational Painting. The investment of more than 3 years, lots of paint & work, and the Big Book of Color is starting to pay off.  I've set up the current round of exercises that I finished last fall just to show myself how much I've accomplished - even though they're not perfect - I am beginning to get it! I'll start on a new round of sphere studies soon. As with most things, one must actually do the work to arrive at a deeper understanding.

The value sticks have come in very handy! I started with these:

It's hard to know if I'm on the right track, as I haven't been able to attend Graydon's Color Workshop in person. Learning all this stuff over the Internet by trial and error, not having anyone to critique the work, has been frustrating to say the least, but also very satisfying to accomplish what I have on my own! Thanks Graydon, wherever you are, for starting the conversation and sharing your research and experience!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Finally, I'm back!

So much to say...but most important event happened during a blizzard on Halloween Weekend, October of 2009. My husband Steve and I moved into our new townhome - ranch style - all living area on one floor (1500 sq') and all of it is wheelchair accessable! (Steve has MS, so this was extremely important to us.) Second best thing is that this ranch style townhome has a full basement that has become my new studio!
The Living Room has 12' ceilings and 10' ceilings throughout rest of house. My studio has 9' open ceilings! The pictures above show how main part of studio looked when we moved in and 2 of the 3 5' window wells.

It's now May 2010 and I still wake up every day not quite believing that we live in this beautiful place! This is how the studio looks today-

Main Studio and Drawing easel on left

Set up area

Work area from side
Hughes 3000/palette area etc.
Drying Rack/drying box
and table for layout/framing etc.

Panel and frame rack at other end of studio

Last but not least the Artist's Facilities - and miracle of miracle a deep laundry sink!!! (And there's still more room at the other end for normal basement storage and a separate Mechanical Room for the furnace etc!)

Can you tell I'm extremely happy with my new space!

My intention is to update much more often! Tomorrow: more Munsell in the Studio and some recent paintings.